We’re bringing you Cloth’s TOP 10 viewed items by you good people online so far. A fine mix of clobber it has to be said!
You have visited the site, admired your little favourite, clicked back a few times, thought about it, but in the end you didn’t..!?
Well to nudge you over the line we are offering 10% Off these TOP 10 items until midnight Sunday….items have now been discounted on the site…..go on you know you want to!
Here is the official TOP 10 list...
1. Folk Navy Rainmac
2. Universal Works Navy Suit Jacket
3. Oliver Spencer Wax Fisher Jacket
4. Fred Perry Aldwych Suede Shoe
5. Folk Waffle Knit Crew Neck
6. Oliver Spencer Crew Neck T-Shirt
7. Folk Workwear Shirt
8. YMC Classic Chinos
9. Fred Perry Japanese Polo
10. Lyle & Scott Tailored Collar Polo
Happy shopping!
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